
As a certified life coach, I enjoy working with people who may feel overwhelmed with all the demands of trying to be everything for everyone. I work with clients to get down to the nitty gritty with activities that focus on appreciating the gift of the present while healing pain from the past and strengthening visions for the future! I will help you get your mojo back by reminding you of who you truly are and connecting you with your inner wisdom. Through mindset shifting and self love development, your consciousness will be raised and you will recognize that your life is full of love, excitement, abundance, and bliss! 

One on One Coaching Sessions
Receive undivided support with living the life of your dreams!! In one-on-one sessions, we'll solely focus on your goals as we work together to discover more about who you are through various exercises, process, and activities that will help you identify, align with, and manifest your most authentic desires! Change your life from the comfort of your own home as all one-on-one sessions take place over the phone or via video conferencing. For more information, please contact me or schedule a free exploratory session.

Group Coaching Sessions
Experience the benefits that come along with the synergy of a mastermind group! In group sessions, members enjoy life more than ever before by contributing to each others' expansion through the sharing of achievements, challenges, and solutions. With the focus on achieving goals, each session includes a mini-lesson, a guided activity, and an independent activity. All sessions take place via video conferencing. For more information, please contact me or schedule a free exploratory session.

Personalized Subconscious Mind Transformation Recording
The subconscious mind is said to be 1 million times stronger than the conscious mind and is primarily response for the life that you create and experience. In order for true change to occur in your life, the subconscious mind must change! Create your own personalized subconscious mind transformation recording to change old belief systems, patters of behavior, and the impact of experiences that are no longer serving you. In this one-on-one session, you will tap into your ideal future self to create a recording that will feed your subconscious mind the thoughts and images necessary to live the life of your dreams! For more information, please contact me or schedule a free exploratory session.

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